Monday, March 21, 2011

bad, bad, bad

I've been a bad blogger and I really should update more. I'm not going to bore you with all the reasons why I haven't (except if you really want to know, but I doubt it ;) ).
One of the reasons I will tell you though. It's been carnaval around here a couple of weeks ago. It was wonderfull. I made a quite ellaborate costume that, in my opinion, looked absolutely wonderfull. Someone took a picture of me in which you can partly see it.

So now if any of you who are reading this don't know me in person, you can now somewhat see what I look like.

Another thing that has occupied me is shoes. And not in the girly sense of; OH EMM GEE I need like three pairs of that and four of those like right now, but more in the sense of that my normal shoes for milder weather are completely falling apart (I'll spare you a picture of that). They were basically just like Vans prison issue sneakers. After searching just about everywhere in the city and online, I have not been able to replace them (I'm not giving up though, I will find a pair eventually). That led to buying the cheapest pair of sneakers I could quickly find. Since I don't find these interesting one bit, I decided to draw on them, so they would at least have something different and personal. So, I now present you with... transition shoes:

Definitaly better than the holey pieces of shit I was walking on before =)